Online & Live | Contemporary Millinery Origami - for adv./intermed.

By Lina Stein Millinery


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A detailed follow-on from ORIGAMI MILLINERY available on Hat Academy and the MINI MILLINERY ORIGAMI sessions held during COVID times. Suitable for participants/students with blocking and wiring experience.

Let the straight folds of origami give your hat a turn in the right direction!
Create a modern brim or, sculpt a folded masterpiece or create several inter-circular sections that create an illusion of infinity.
Immerse yourself into sculpting the most amazing hats of defined lines and twisted structure using buckram, fabric and innovative pleating techniques that are finished to a professional standard.

'Millinery Origami' is perfect for milliners and enables the user to create inter-circular sculpted fascinators, hats or brim-like structures that can be attached to a crown or worn on their own
Reminiscent of by-gone eras, the multi-directional pleats can be twisted into each other giving a dense look of infinity.
This package incorporates a free vintage hat lining session as well!

 When; 15-16 Mar 2025

What's included?

  • Workshop notes
  • The workshops will be split over 3 days : like this we will be able to let our hats dry/settle and you will be able to complete your homework !
    Day one - 3 hours
    Day two - 3 hours
    Day three - 3 hours
  • Class participation will be limited to max 9 people to ensure personal attention
  • Plenty of question time, online interaction and personal assistance built into the Zoom sessions

Learning outcomes

  • Students will be introduced to working with double-sided-adhesive-buckram (20-20) and to origami hat pattern-making.
  • Learn how to block and cover in one process a small shape (button /percher block) with a fabric of their choice. (Double blocking)
  • Learn to make proto-type designs of origami using paper and traditional origami pleating methods
  • Learn how to prepare, calculate and measure out materials for the pleating
  • You will learn how to fuse your buckram and fabric without wrinkles and proceed to create perfect sharp and clean edges and defined folds of the circular pieces that are inter-joined
  • Learn to conceal circular joins and assemble on crown
  • Learn to transform a very rigid structure into a curved sculpture using steam
  • Create a vintage style lining and insert into the hat

On securing your place, you will receive an email which includes confirmation, your Zoom invitation, instructions how to use Zoom, list of materials and equipment necessary for the workshop plus workshop prep instruction.

There will be 1 workshop sessions per day. Please select your DATE and your TIMEZONE from the drop down menu below.
USA/CA will be able to participate in either class.

Please take note when selecting your timezone that it is appropriate to your location
If you are unsure, please visit Timebuddy 

Europe/Africa/USA Date & Time ; 15-16 Mar 2025
BST/London Time; 10.00 - 13.00
USA/CA CST;  05.00 - 08.00

Aus/NZ Time
AEST; 21.00 - 00.00